Intermediate Cuneiform

Author: Dr Peter de Souza
Last modified: 13 December 2020

Intermediate Cuneiform

The structure indicated is the intermediate cuneiform bone of the foot.

The foot contains three groups of bones:

  1. Tarsals
  2. Metatarsals
  3. Phalanges

The intermediate cuneiform bone is one of seven tarsal bones. There are three groups of tarsal bones:

  • Proximal group
  • Intermediate group
  • Distal group

The intermediate cuneiform bone belongs to the distal group of tarsal bones. There are three cuneiform bones:

  1. Lateral cuneiform
  2. Intermediate cuneiform
  3. Medial cuneiform

Anteriorly they articulate with the medial three metatarsals. Posteriorly they articulate with the navicular bone, and laterally they articulate with the cuboid bone.

Learn more about the bones of the foot in this anatomy tutorial.