Author: Dr Peter de Souza
Last modified: 20 November 2022

The popliteus is one of the muscles of the deep group within the posterior compartment of the leg. The popliteus is the smallest and most proximally located muscle within the deep group of muscles, forming the floor of the popliteal fossa. The muscle belly of the popliteus lies distal to its tendon, which ascends laterally around the knee joint to attach to the lateral femoral condyle.

The leg is comprised of anterior, lateral and posterior compartments. The posterior (flexor) compartment consists of two groups of muscles: a superficial group and a deep group, which are separated by a deep fascial layer.

Muscles of the superficial group within the posterior compartment of the leg

Muscles of the deep group within the posterior compartment of the leg


  • Lateral femoral condyle
  • Posterior horn of lateral meniscus


  • Posterior surface of proximal tibia


  • Unlocks knee joint (laterally rotates femur on fixed tibia)
  • Flexion of knee
  • Internal rotation of tibia


  •  Tibial nerve: L4 – S1

Blood Supply

  • Popliteal artery
  • Posterior tibial artery